About Me

gate-332For better or worse, that guy to the right is me, Bryan Dickinson. And, believe it or not, somebody thought it would be a good idea to put me in front of teenagers every day. To my students, I am Mr. D (sometimes just Mr.) though, given my last name, I’m sure there are some pretty funny variations out there too. I’ve taught every math class from eighth grade pre-algebra to AP Calculus AB except for statistics, but is that really even math? Recently, I’ve taught algebra I, AP Calculus AB, and 8th grade math, which I think is really just quarantine for early adolescents or some sadistic social experiment. However, I love my students and I love math, so I guess my job is pretty OK. This site originated with a 2019 Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching grant to study math and education in New Zealand. Right now, you’ll find a mix of travel writing, thoughts on education, mathematical tasks, and whatever else pops into my brain, but hopefully you find something useful. I appreciate comments as long as you follow my one rule: don’t be a troll. If you want to reach me, you can use the contact form below. Given the popularity of this website at this point in time (zero), odds are pretty good that I will get back to you in a timely manner. Also, you can find me @PoDiscontinuity, though I am not a frequent Tweeter (Twitterer?). When I’m not teaching, thinking about teaching, or dreaming/nightmaring about teaching, I am usually training for, or participating in, a physically destructive race involving any, or all, of the following: running, hiking, xc skiing, mountain biking, snow shoeing, and gravel biking.